Distance and Driving Time Calculator

This Distance Calculator offers the distance and driving time between various locations like Bluffton, Hilton Head, Savannah, GA, and nearby areas in South Carolina. Whether planning a trip from Savannah to Hilton Head or needing to know the closest airport to Beaufort, SC, our tool provides accurate and reliable information to help you plan your journey efficiently.

How to Use the Distance Calculator?

Using our Distance Calculator is simple:

1. Enter Start Location: Type in the starting point of your journey.

2. Enter Destination: Type in your destination.

3. Submit: Click the submit button to get the distance and estimated driving time.

4. Book: You can also book our car service if you need to travel to your destination location.

Popular Routes and Distances

  • Bluffton to Savannah: Find the distance and driving time between Bluffton and Savannah.
  • Hilton Head to Beaufort: Discover the distance and driving time between Hilton Head and Beaufort.
  • Savannah Airport to Bluffton: Get accurate distance and travel time from Savannah Airport to Bluffton.
  • Beaufort to Hilton Head: Plan your trip from Beaufort to Hilton Head with precise distance calculations.

Benefits of Using the Distance Calculator

Our Distance Calculator offers several benefits:

1. Convenience: Save time by quickly finding distances and travel times between various locations.

2. Accuracy: Get reliable and precise distance estimates to plan your journey effectively.

3. Versatility: The tool can be used for a wide range of routes, whether you’re traveling locally or across the region.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How accurate is the distance and driving time estimation?

Our Distance Calculator uses reliable data collected from Google Maps to provide accurate distance and travel time estimates. However, real-time traffic conditions may affect actual travel time.

Is there a cost to use the Distance Calculator?

No, our Distance Calculator is free to use for all users.

Is there a shuttle from Savannah Airport to Hilton Head?

Yes, several shuttle services operate between Savannah Airport and Hilton Head. Check with local providers for schedules and booking options.

What is the closest airport to Hilton Head Island?

Hilton Head Island Airport (HHH) is the closest major airport to the island. Savannah/Hilton Head International Airport (SAV) is also a nearby option.

How far is Beaufort from Hilton Head?

Beaufort is approximately 34 miles from Hilton Head Island, and the drive typically takes around 57 minutes.

What is the closest airport to Beaufort, South Carolina?

The closest major airport to Beaufort is Savannah/Hilton Head International Airport (SAV). Hilton Head Island Airport (HHH) is also relatively close.

How far is Beaufort from Savannah?

Beaufort is about 43 miles from Savannah, which is roughly a 1 hr 5 min drive.

How far is Bluffton from Savannah?

Bluffton is approximately 24 miles from Savannah, and the drive usually takes around 36 minutes.

How far is Hilton Head from Beaufort?

Hilton Head is about 34 miles from Beaufort, with a driving time of approximately 57 minutes.

What airport is near Hilton Head, SC?

Hilton Head Island Airport (HHH) is the primary airport near Hilton Head, South Carolina. Savannah/Hilton Head International Airport (SAV) is also nearby.

How far is Hardeeville, SC from Savannah, GA?

Hardeeville is about 17 miles from Savannah, which is typically a 24-minute drive.

How far is Bluffton, SC, from Savannah, Georgia?

Bluffton is approximately 24 miles from Savannah, with a driving time of around 36 minutes.

How far is Savannah Airport to Beaufort, SC?

Savannah Airport is about 46 miles from Beaufort, and the drive generally takes around 1 hr 2 min.

How far is Beaufort, SC, from Hilton Head, SC?

Beaufort, SC, is approximately 35 miles from Hilton Head, SC, and it takes about 57 minutes to drive there.

What is the closest airport to Hilton Head that Southwest flies to?

Southwest Airlines primarily flies into Savannah/Hilton Head International Airport (SAV), which is the closest major airport serviced by Southwest.

How far is Savannah from Beaufort?

Savannah is about 43 miles from Beaufort, with a driving time of approximately 1 hr 5 minutes.

Where to fly into Hilton Head, SC?

You can fly into Hilton Head Island Airport (HHH) for convenience. Alternatively, Savannah/Hilton Head International Airport (SAV) is also a viable option.

What is the closest major airport to Hilton Head?

The closest major airport to Hilton Head is Savannah/Hilton Head International Airport (SAV).

How far is Bluffton from Hilton Head?

Bluffton is approximately 7.6 miles from Hilton Head Island, with a drive time of around 17 minutes.

How far is Savannah, GA to Hilton Head, SC?

Savannah, GA, is about 31 miles from Hilton Head, SC, and the drive usually takes around 55 minutes.

Where do you fly into for Hilton Head?

You can fly into Hilton Head Island Airport (HHH) or Savannah/Hilton Head International Airport (SAV) for access to Hilton Head.

How do you get from Savannah Airport to Hilton Head?

You can get from Savannah Airport to Hilton Head via car rental, shuttle service, or taxi. The drive takes approximately 48 minutes.

How far is Savannah Airport from Bluffton, SC?

Savannah Airport is about 31 miles from Bluffton, SC, with a driving time of around 45 minutes.

How far is Hilton Head from Savannah, Georgia?

Hilton Head is approximately 31 miles from Savannah, GA, with a drive time of about 55 minutes.

How far is Hardeeville from Bluffton?

Hardeeville is about 15 miles from Bluffton, and the drive typically takes around 22 minutes.

How much is a taxi from Savannah Airport to downtown?

The cost of a taxi from Savannah Airport to downtown Savannah typically ranges from $25 to $35, depending on traffic and time of day.

How far is Savannah, Georgia from Hilton Head?

Savannah, GA, is approximately 32 miles from Hilton Head, and the drive takes around 54 minutes.

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